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The Benefits of Volunteering

It is like all things in life, you get out of it what you put into it … or so the saying goes. I’ve found that giving to others offers so much more in return than what I give. Sometimes, like volunteering for a local kid’s and babies consignment sale, I get so much more in return when I volunteer.

A couple of the benefits of volunteering are:

  • I get to choose from the very best selection of the items brought to the sale. That means, NO ONE gets to shop before volunteers do! I have found that in different seasons of my life, kid’s consignment sales have various options that allow me to help, both before, during and after a sale.
  • If I’m able to, volunteering for more than one 4 hour shift will help me earn even more on the selling price of my items … a full 5% more or more, which really adds up.
  • I’m able to get out of the house and do something I enjoy that’s totally different from what I’m used to … talking to adults, watching my items fly off the racks and even make new friends.

So, all in all, I guess the I would rephrase the saying to read ‘you get out of it way more than what you put into it”