We accept cash as well as MasterCard, Visa, and debit cards ($15 minimum) with proper ID.
We are sorry, but dressing rooms are not available!
Wear comfortable shoes.
A fanny pack keeps hands free to browse and haul!
Bring a list of specific items you need.
Bring your child’s measurements and a tape measure.
In an effort to be GREEN, please bring reusable shopping bags for your purchases if you are able.
We love children! However, we RECOMMEND, especially during Drop Off, Expecting/New Moms Pre-Sale, and the Public Sale opening that you consider arranging care for your children. These are extremely busy times with many shoppers, and we are concerned for your child’s safety.
If you must bring your children, WE ASK THAT YOUR CHILDREN REMAIN WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES AND THAT THEY DO NOT PLAY WITH OR ON ANY OF THE TOYS OR BIKES. This maintains the integrity of our Consignors’ items for the benefit of our Shoppers.