If you were in my house on laundry day you’d hear some, if not all, of the following…“don’t put clean clothes in the dirty clothes basket”, followed by many “ugh, I hate laundry”, “how can three girls make so much laundry”, or “this little boy may go through more clothes than all three of those girls”.
A few months back, I went through the girls drawers and closets and pulled out the stuff that mom likes, but they never wear. I put all that right in the “SALE” bin in my laundry room. But in just a few short weeks I’m back to “ugh, so many clothes”.
My husband and I are on a constant endeavor to simplify our home…I like piles and he likes things; but we try to simplify as we go. Then my super organized sister calls and says, “Hey, how many t-shirts do you think I should keep for my daughter”. At first I’m thinking, “what, who thinks like that”. But then I am quickly taken to the thought, “now that is brilliant”. If I had a list like that I could go through the drawers and closets and I’d know exactly what I’d need to put on my list of things to buy at the upcoming Spring Sale.
So with a little research, we’ve found these handy lists. We thought we’d share them, we’re nice like that. :)
We recommend you make one bin for “Boutique For A Week” and one for “Donate/Giveaway”. Then armed with your lists you can tackle one child’s clothes at a time. Oh and go ahead and register to consign now, so you don’t have to keep those clothes until the Fall.
I like this list a lot, its from Chromama. It seems to cover all the bases.
10 short-sleeved tees
5 long-sleeved tees
5 sweaters
4 pairs jeans
2 pairs slacks/pants
2 pairs tracksuit pants
5 pairs casual shorts
3 pairs long pants (navy)
3 pairs shorts/skorts (navy)
5 polo shirts (light blue)
2 zip-up jumpers (navy)
2 plain tees/polo shirts for sports days (in their respective house colours)
1 broad-brimmed school hat (navy)
12-14 pairs underwear
12-14 pairs socks (white only)
3 party dresses
3 dressy button-down shirts
1 set summer pajamas per child
1 set winter pajamas per child
2 swimsuits/swim shorts
1 winter rain jacket
1 scarf
1 beanie
1 pair of wool gloves
1 casual summer hat / cap
1 pair school shoes (‘regular’ or ‘sneaker style’), black
1 pair sneakers, white
1 pair thongs (flip-flops)/slip-on shoes
1 pair fancy ‘pretty’ shoes (Youngest only - the boys use their black school shoes)
Happy Organizing which means Happy Shopping!
We’ll see you at Boutique For A Week!
© 2025 Boutique for a Week